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Makeup Tips For Muslim Women

Makeup Tips For Women Hijab

When someone wearing a headscarf, automatic part of the face will be the center of attention. Therefore youneed to be careful to choose the appropriate style makeup with veil model selection. In the book "Dressage" and "Style Riding Hood"by Tini Sardadi and Amy Wirabudi, explained a few things that need to beconsidered by women veiled in bermake ups.

     * 1. Eyebrow

For those who are veiled, the eyebrows are a mess would be much more visible than those who are notveiled. A messy eyebrows make the face look dull and not fresh. Use an eyebrow pencil to draw the shapeeyebrows, avoiding the eyebrows tattooed impressed because unnatural. Be careful to choose the form of an eyebrow, not to give the impression of your face sad, surprised, shocked or angry.

     * 2. Color selection

In making the selection of makeup colors, keep your eyes and lips at the same time highlight. Choose one ofthem, eyes or lips only. If you choose the eyes, then select the color "nude" for the lips. Vice versa, if the eyesare colored "hard", then use light to eye color. When you wear dark-colored or patterned scarf crowded, it is advisable to choose soft colors of eye makeup. Meanwhile, if the light-colored scarf or motive was not toocrowded, you can choose a slightly darker color to display the beauty of the eye.

     * 3. Shading and highlights

To make up, application of shading and highlights in determining whether or not the final result. Which givesdark shading effect applied to give effect kecil.Jika concave or triangular shape of your face, shading stillneeds to be given at the end of the chin. Similarly, if your face shape or long oval. For shading, use afoundation that color is two levels darker than your foundation.


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